
The State of Product Leadership

Insights from 300 product executives and managers

Date: March 14, 2018

Time: 2:00 pm EST

Mike Belsito


Product Collective

Jake Sorofman



The elusive product manager. Who are they? What do they do? What makes them most effective? Large, seminal studies have been done across various corporate leadership roles, but product management leadership remains a role with much less examination.

Join this free public webinar for a discussion on the key findings from a recent survey of 300 product leaders conducted by Pendo and Product Collective. You’ll learn about PM career paths and progression, their spheres of responsibility, decision making authorities, alignment with other functions, reporting lines, and outlook for the future of the role. Some of the findings are bound to surprise you, others will probably confirm what you suspected but didn’t know for sure.

Join Mike Belsito, co-founder of Product Collective; and Jake Sorofman, CMO of Pendo and former Gartner VP and chief of research for a rich discussion on the key characteristics of the highest performing product leaders. If you’re a product manager, a product executive or aspire to hold a product leadership role, you’re bound to walk away better prepared to master your role.

State of Product Leadership: Do Product Leaders Have a Technical Background?